#Globe clan textmate code
But those failed hours looking at code fixing bugs for a system that I eventually scraped for a better more efficient design.

I didn't manage my time well enough\u2026 Im sure if I had executed everything perfectly I would have had plenty of time.

I simply Didn\u2019t have the time.\n\n\n\nI am just not use to working in such tight deadlines. I don't have music or any sound effect at all. This year I wanted to focus on music and sound effects. Things that I usually don't get the chance to experiment with and learn from.
#Globe clan textmate how to
If you have suggestion on how to improve something I would love to hear it.\n\n\n!(///raw/f71/z/284e.png)\n\n!(///raw/f71/z/2851.png)\n\n!(///raw/f71/z/2853.png)\n\n\n\n\n\nLooking forward to Hearing from the LD community (V) (, ,) (V) \n\nBefore Ludum I set out some personal goals, things that I wanted to work on. The art could be better too but Im not much of an artist. The basic game is done, as well as most of the art, I think UI needs a bit of work to fully explain whats going on. I think over all it was too Ambitious unfortunately. This is a tower defence / deck builder/ strategy city builder. "body": "\n!(///raw/f71/z/284d.png)\n\nHello world \n\nIm proud to present to you my LD#38 game. "slug": "hello-world-its-a-small-world-after-all ", "path": "/events/ludum-dare/38/a-world-in-her-eye " \n\n\nv1.3: \n-Made the game less harsh for players on their first run \n-Made the dialogue blips a little quieter \n\nv1.2: \n-Fixed some dialogue strings to prevent text hopping \n-Reworked some notification areas \n-Exupery sighs \n-Experimental mac release (not entirely sure if it works)\n\nv1.1: \n-Added a fix for a visual glitch thanks to \n-Fixed some of Exupery's dialogue.\n\nv1.0: \n-Initial release!\n\nScreenshots:\n\n!(///raw/c48/2/z/2858.png)\n\n\n!(///raw/c48/2/z/2854.png)\n",

#Globe clan textmate download
Please tell me if the mac version doesn't work.) \n\n() \n(A download for the soundtrack is available on the itch.io page.) \n\n() if you're interested in seeing what might come next! \n\nNOTE: Any changes made past v1.1 were made after the jam's end.\n\n\nv1.4: \n-Added \"calm\" mode which disables the planet's real-time passing for those who want to enjoy the experience. I'm sorry if it doesn't run well on yours, I might get around to adding graphic optimization features!\n\n() \n(Windows and Mac downloads available. What will she find this time?\n\nA short point and click-style game without pointing and clicking.\n\n -> Move around\n\n -> Interact/speed up dialogue \n\nWARNING: The game might run slow on some machines. Her only light sources being a few lamps and a small star of sorts tied to her own planet and spending her days staring at the sky, her life is rather monotonous.\n\nBut occasionally other planets pass by her own. "body": "!(///raw/c48/2/z/2856.png)\n\nQora has lived as a wheat farmer on her own small planet for as long as she can remember.